32 Students from NJ Recognized for Prevention Messages at Fourth Grade Folder Contest Ceremony



Contact: Matt Birchenough, Media Coordinator, 201-916-1032, media@drugfreenj.org

32 Students from NJ Recognized for Prevention Messages at Fourth Grade Folder Contest Ceremony

POINT PLEASANT BEACH — More than 4,000 fourth grade students from across New Jersey drew their idea of a fun time as part of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s Design a Fourth Grade Folder contest this year, but just two will have their designs appear on the folder distributed annually to thousands of fourth graders throughout the state.

Briella Biggins of B.F. Gibbs Elementary School in New Milford and Allison Yodis of Eleanor Rush Intermediate School in Cinnaminson were named co-winners of this year’s program during an award ceremony Monday at Jenkinson’s Boardwalk.

Briella was selected for her food-friendly design titled, “Go get some tacos – maybe two or three ­– anything’s better than drugs for me!” Allison was chosen for her technology-themed design titled, “Drugs are not an app to play!” Their artwork will be displayed on 40,000 folders that will be distributed to fourth grade students in September.

Allison Yodis, left, of Eleanor Rush Intermediate School in Cinnaminson and Briella Biggins of B.F. Gibbs Elementary in Cinnaminson show off their winning designs with PDFNJ Executive Director Angelo Valente.

The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey recognized 32 students from throughout the state at the ceremony. The Fourth Grade Folder Contest encourages students to focus on their interests and passions and to live a healthy lifestyle free of substance use.

“These young students from around the state are setting tremendous examples for their peers to follow,” said Angelo Valente, Executive Director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey. “With their creative artwork, they are delivering strong messages to other students about enjoying a healthy, drug-free lives.

“The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey has consistently believed that early prevention programs like the Fourth Grade Folder Contest, are effective ways to actively engage New Jersey’s young people in selecting and maintaining a drug-free, healthy lifestyle,” Valente added.


Best known for its statewide substance use prevention advertising campaign, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is a private not-for-profit coalition of professionals from the communications, corporate and government communities whose collective mission is to reduce demand for illicit drugs in New Jersey through media communication. To date, more than $100 million in broadcast time and print space has been donated to the Partnership’s New Jersey campaign, making it the largest public service advertising campaign in New Jersey’s history. Since its inception the Partnership has garnered 166 advertising and public relations awards from national, regional and statewide media organizations.