Nicole Levine of Essex County Wins PDFNJ's Ninth Annual Shout Down Drugs Prevention Concert



May 24, 2013

                                                                                                            Contact: Matt Scuteri                                                                                                                             Media Coordinator
                                                                                                            Phone: 973.467.2100, ext. 24
                                                                                                            Mobile: 201.916.1032

Essex County Teen Wins

Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s Statewide Drug Prevention Music Competition

NEWARK — Nicole Levine of Essex County is the statewide champion of the Ninth Annual Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s Shout Down Drugs Prevention Concert.  On Thursday, May 23, thirty-three New Jersey high school student finalists, representing 15 counties, competed at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) in Newark, New Jersey.  Coming in second place was the group 2 Days Leaders, made up of Trevor Gidden Jr. and Karim Sale, of Hudson County and in third place was Maksym Lozynskyj, of Morris County.

Levine’s song, “I Hope That You'll Say No”, was selected by online voters and a judging panel of prevention industry professionals, law enforcement, and past Shout Down Drugs participants.  The song entries were evaluated by the prevention message in the lyrics, originality, and performance.

“Simply by being here tonight, these amazing teen musicians have affirmed their commitment to a healthy and drug-free lifestyle,” said Angelo M. Valente, Executive Director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey.  “We are proud of and each one of the participants and are always impressed with the level of talent in the state of New Jersey.”

            The New Jersey Shout Down Drugs music competition challenges high school students to create original music with lyrics that contain powerful peer-to-peer drug prevention messages.  The high school students competed for one of three music contracts with the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ), worth a total of $10,000, to perform their winning song at statewide events.

                        Finalists’ photo and interview opportunities are available upon request
by contacting Diane Higgins, New Jersey Shout Down Drugs Coordinator, at 973.467.2100, ext. 19
 or via e-mail at


Best known for its statewide anti-drug advertising campaign, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is a private not-for-profit coalition of professionals from the communications, corporate and government communities whose collective mission is to reduce demand for illicit drugs in New Jersey through media communication.  To date, more than $70 million in broadcast time and print space has been donated to the Partnership’s New Jersey campaign, making it the largest public service advertising campaign in New Jersey’s history. Since its inception the Partnership has garnered 120 Advertising and Public Relations Awards from National, Regional & Statewide Media Organizations.
