Volunteer to Share Information with the Families in my Community
The statewide single-day initiative, organized by the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey and The Community Coalition for a Safe & Healthy Morris, in cooperation with the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, will mobilize the prevention and treatment communities, community leaders and concerned citizens to raise awareness of the potential for dependency on prescribed pain medicine and its link to heroin abuse rates in our state. Teams of volunteers across the state will visit physician and dental offices, as well as homes in local communities, to distribute this vital information.
KOOA Day - Opioid Facts.docx
Wisdom Teeth PSA.pdf
PDFNJ22_WisdomTeeth_Eng_ NJTInterior_21x33.25.pdf
Social Media: It's The Law.jpg
Social Media: 1 in 3.jpg
Social Media: Fentanyl.jpg
Social Media: Dental.jpg
Social Media: Message in a Bottle.jpg
Social Media: High School Grads.jpg
KOOA Day - Prescriber Guide.pdf
KOOA Day - Flyer Sample Sermon 2.docx
KOOA Day - Flyer Sample Sermon 1.docx
KOOA Day - Flyer Sample Sermon 3.docx