Challenging the FDA’s Approval of AVERT-D

As many of you know, The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey makes a concerted effort to collaborate on the local, state, and federal level, as well as with other organizations, to alleviate and prevent further harm caused by the opioid epidemic.

Over the last decade we have also been working with the Opioid Education Foundation of America to assist in their mission to educate all Americans on the addictive qualities of opioids and on the availability of non-opioid pain relief alternatives. The foundation hosted a webinar which featured Dr. Andrew Kolodny, MD - Medical Director of Opioid Policy Research, Heller School for Social Policy & Management, Brandies University.

Recently the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) gave its approval for a new genetic test, Avert-D, that is to be used by prescribers to assess whether or not a patient is at risk of becoming addicted to an opioid. Unfortunately, at this time, I have to agree with Dr. Kolodny and challenge this decision made by the FDA. I recommend all those interested in learning why we both felt obligated to take this position view the webinar “Opioid Prescribing: New FDA Rules and Genetic Testing”, and see Dr. Kolodny’s expert analysis as to why the FDA should not have approved the use of this test and should now rescind its approval.

Additional information on this subject can be found in this article, FDA Faces Backlash Over Approval Over Approval of Genetic Test for Opioid Addiction Risk. Individuals and organizations interested in learning more about this issue or joining the group advocating for a change by the FDA can submit their questions or comments to

PDFNJ continues its ongoing effort to raise awareness on the opioid crisis. You can register for the next Knockout Opioid Abuse Learning webinar, Trauma and Opioid Use Disorder, being held on Thursday, April 25.

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